We wanted a thoroughly decent, thoughtful, passionate and eloquent individual to guide us through the ebbing of my husband’s life, to be close through our sadness. Rabbi Harry Levin made the time to help us all in more ways than we could have anticipated or hoped, in ways that reverberate beyond the year of our mourning to this day.
A wonderful human being and a gifted psychotherapist, Rabbi Levin stayed in touch with our family after the funeral, visiting with me and our one daughter and her new baby, born days after my husband’s death, going out of his way to visit another daughter in New Mexico.
With warmth, humor, deep understanding and acceptance of human needs, motives and yearnings, he has stayed in our lives and earned a special place there. I know that he has performed this very same service for countless, diverse others whose paths have crossed his, to the same wondrous effect.”
Dr. Vita Carulli Rabinowitz
Social Psychologist
Chancellor, City Universities of New York